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Anesthesia and Monitoring

Our monitoring process starts prior to premedication. We will begin by obtaining a complete history of the patient, followed by a thorough physical examination, which may warrant for blood analysis and indicated diagnostics. We highly recommend blood work for every adult and geriatric patient as it may uncover some deficits in homeostasis. These abnormalities may be recognized as dehydration, anemia, or possibly an organ dysfunction. These values should be stabilized prior to any anesthetic procedure.

If the patient is deemed fit for anesthesia, a carefully chosen premeditation will be given by the veterinarian based on clinical findings and previous history. These patients are then closely monitored by our technicians until they are ready for their procedure. When patients are surgically ready, our technicians and doctors will carefully intubate each animal for protection against aspiration.

During the procedure, our technicians will be present at all times for continuous evaluation of the patient. Throughout anesthesia, technicians will constantly assess circulation, ventilation, oxygenation, and depth of anesthesia. Appropriate medications may be given during the procedure to reduce stress and control post-op pain.  After the procedure is done, the anesthetized patient is then again monitored and extubated when stabilized. These patients are still monitored very closely as they recover. ​

Post-op monitoring continues at home. Postoperative pain control medications may be sent home if recommend by the veterinarian. Please be sure to give this medication as directed. We ask that if you see any signs of swelling, infection, distress, or if you have any general questions, to contact the veterinary office so we can assist you.