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 If you are an established client and have an emergency after hours, please call the office. Your call will be routed to the attending veterinarian for that week. Please leave a voicemail with your first and last name, pet’s name, primary reason for your call and phone number at which you can be reached. Please note that it may take some time before they are able to address your emergency.

While we do our absolute best to take emergencies, we are limited on staff and resources. In the event of a life threatening emergency and the office or on call veterinarian cannot be reached, please contact either of these 24 hour emergency hospitals. 

Blue Pearl

Phone: (616) 284-5300


1425 Michigan Street NE, Suite F
Grand Rapids, MI 49503

Animal Emergency Hospital

Phone: (616) 361-9911


3260 Plainfield Avenue NE
Grand Rapids, MI 49525